“Manchester United’s Star Winger Antony Faces Voluntary Police Interview Amid Domestic Abuse Allegations Upon Return from Brazil”

Joe Lee

After returning to the UK from Brazil, Manchester United winger Antony is scheduled to be questioned by Greater Manchester Police on claims of domestic violence.

The 23-year-old is believed to be prepared to turn over his phone to authorities while they investigate the allegations made by his ex-girlfriend Gabriela Cavallin, which he fiercely rejects.

Antony returned to Manchester from Sao Paulo through Spain on Tuesday night, arriving just before United’s Carabao Cup third round match against Crystal Palace at Old Trafford.

He has missed the last four games since the international break after being sacked by Brazil and placed on full-pay leave by United to clear his reputation in South America.

After cooperating with police in Sao Paulo, Antony is claimed to have verified with officials there to ensure that he was free to depart Brazil and return to Manchester.

It’s understood that his lawyers have been in contact with GMP and Antony will attend a voluntary interview to answer questions over two specific incidents in the 42-page complaint made by Cavallin.

She alleges that the former Ajax winger, who joined United for £82m last year, attacked her at the Hyatt Regency hotel in Manchester on January 15, damaging one of her breast implants.

She also claims that Antony cut her finger to the bone in June when he threw a glass at her.

The player made an emotional TV appearance in his homeland earlier this month to deny the allegations from Cavallin that he attacked her on four occasions in total. A second woman, 33-year-old banker Ingrid Lana, has come forward with a similar accusation, which Antony also denies.

‘I know the truth and it will come out,’ he told Brazilian TV channel SBT. ‘I know many are butchering me, but the truth always comes out.

‘I’m 100 per cent sure I’ve never touched a woman, and I’ll come up with the evidence. I have never assaulted and I will never assault. I’m sure I’ve never committed physical violence. I have a mother, a sister, and I would never want this to happen to them.’

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