“Barcelona’s Financial Revival: Slashing €150 Million Debt in 2022-23 Season!”

Joe Lee

Barcelona’s general assembly adopted its budget, despite expenditures soaring by €100 million beyond what was originally budgeted for.

The breakdown of Barcelona’s accounts can be found here, but in total they ended up with a profit of close to €100m, although those would have been losses of over €300m were it not for the sale of assets like Bridgeburg invest.

Barcelona members approved the accounts (376 for, 45 against, 20 absentions) and are expected to approve the budget for the 2023-24 season too. During his speech, President Joan Laporta explained that the club would not fall into the hands of its creditors, nor would the members be forced to sell.

“Barca only has the Barcelona fans. We don’t want a state behind us or millionaires controlling us. Our history is our identity, out of respect for our essential institutions and previous generations. The more intense the fight, the greater our love for Barca.”

During the assembly, Economic Vice-President Eduardo Romeu also declared that the club had reduced their debt from €1.35b by €150m to €1.2b.

This is not including the debt being accumulated for the Espai Barca project, believed to be around €2b, as member Jaume Llopis skewered Joan Laporta with later. Laporta’s response was equally as aggressive in his response.

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